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Takalo for Opening Ceremony Of Honorary Consulate of Niue in Tokyo, Japan

  • Tokyo American Club Minato City, Tokyo, 106-8649 Japan (map)

Fakaalaofa lahi atu, Kia Motolu Oti 

Faka aue lahi, Thankyou JinNam Hopotoa for the Takalo

Takalo is a traditional Niue war dance that holds significant cultural and historical importance. It is a symbol of Niuean identity and is still performed today as a way to connect with the country’s rich cultural heritage and we also use it as a welcoming ceremony for dignitaries, shinjin

July 14

Celebration of the Hon. Consul & Hon. Consulate of Niue of Tokyo, Japan at the TOKYO AMERICAN CLUB.

July 14

Japan Govt Representative Ambassador Toshihisa Takata