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Tokyo American Club - guest speaker for the annual Swimming Club awards dinner

Tokyo American Club TACST - Swimming Team Annual Awards Dinner

  • 5th June 2024, Tokyo American Club

  • Annual Awards Sport Dinner - Tokyo American Club Swimming Team

  • Guest Speaker - Jayson Vemoa

Vemoa san was asked by the Head Swimming Coach Simon Cadwell (AUS) as a Guest Speaker for the TAC Swimming Team Annual awards dinner in Tokyo to say a few words of encouragement and advice for the new upcoming young athletes who currrently have been placed 2nd in Tokyo Prefecture in 2024 with some looking to qualify for the Junior Olympics IOC (International Olympic Committee.)

Hon. Consul of Niue in Japan, Mr Vemoa spoke on his past experiences to the young athletes covering aims,goals, hard work, self discipline, balance, lessons and a champion mindset to reach their dreams.

Nyla Despande (13) from International School of Sacred Heart for Girls in Hiroo, Tokyo won the Annual Swimming Sportsman Trophy of the Year Award and was presented by Hon. Consul of Niue in Japan, Mr. Jayson Vemoa.

at the Tokyo American Club.

“The Treasure the Coaches here are giving you is the Mental Fortitude you will need for this life time. For me it was Martial Arts. For you it’s your own chosen path” - Hon. Consul Vemoa

Hon. Jayson Vemoa as Guest Speaker for the Tokyo American Swimming Team Annual Awards Dinner

Hon. Consul of Niue in Japan with Head Coach of the Swimming Tokyo American Club Team - Simon Hadlow (Australia)

Hon. Consul of Niue in Japan, Mr Jayson Vemoa presenting Nyla Despande from (ISSH) International School of Sacred Heart for Girls in Hiroo, Tokyo the Annual Swimming Sportman Trophy of the Year Award.

Posing with one of Vemoa san’s World Titles he achieved in his Martial Arts career.

September 27

Special Envoy of the government of Niue to Japan

June 7

Ambassador of Japan presents Credential to the Premier of Niue